Dr Tom Kerns
North Seattle Community College


Study Questions for

Plato's Phaedo


1. Some scholars throughout history have seen similarities between the trial and death of Socrates on the one hand, and the trial and death of Jesus of Nazareth on the other. Others have considered it irreverent and sacrilegious to claim any such similarities; those scholars are more likely to see differences in the two situations.

What similarities and/or differences between the trial and death of Jesus and the trial and death of Socrates do you see?




Note: If you wish to learn a bit more about the trial and death of Jesus (which we will not be studying this quarter at all) you could refer to the last few chapters in one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) in your bible. Those chapters are all pretty short, but Mark's account is the briefest and Luke's is the most graphic.