Dr Tom Kerns
North Seattle Community College


Swedenborg and Schopenhauer:
Two Discussion Questions

  1. Schopenhauer says that the noumenal reality, the most real of all reals, is Der Wille. Swedenborg says that the noumenal reality, the central reality in all being, is Divine Love, pure love, God.

    What are some similarities and differences between these two claims? I.e, in what ways are the S's & S's claims about the central reality similar and in what ways different?

  2. Schopenhauer says that who you really are, at root, is that center of your being that he terms "will." Swedenborg says that who you really are is your central love, your ruling love, that central you which corresponds to all your individual loves.

    What are some similarities and differences between these two claims? I.e, in what ways are the S's & S's claims about your personal central reality similar and in what ways different?